Live in America


Free Range Programming

New Orleans Artist Residency Workshop

HOW TO LEVITATE : Exploring the Magician Archetype Through Mask-Making and Illusion
How to Levitate
New Orleans Residency Workshop
Saturday, September 30th
10am to Noon
Space is limited. For further information, register HERE.
Parking across the street.

From New Orleans masking and parading culture, we bring you “How to Levitate.” In this workshop guests will be invited to create a mask and appear as a character in an immersive photo shoot inspired by The Magician. The artists in residence will be creating illusions, unique sounds, and costumes that workshop attendees will be invited to interact with. This will be a collaborative environment, all ideas are welcome and mask-making supplies will be provided. Feel free to come dressed in costume or with a magical object of your choosing and be ready to Play! Many of New Orleans’ traditions and rituals are inspired by myth and storytelling. By embodying the Magician, we will be exploring what it means to manifest.

RSVP for Free at this link—>

Credit: Sarah Danziger